Manzil: Driven by Halal Principles and Smart Investments

The Manzil team is made up of seasoned market professionals from all facets of life. Our main doctrine at Manzil centres around putting God first, before people, and people before profit.

Our why

Manzil is on a mission to provide the Muslim community and even non-Muslims with the opportunity to break the shackles of Riba/Usury and completely eradicate it from their lives.

Our commitments

  • To ensure that the Divine standards and rulings regarding financial matters take precedence over all other standards

  • To support, through the power of Islamic finance, the building of local economies and to raise the standard of living for all those within it

  • To enable participatory financing and discourage predatory financing

  • To eradicate Riba/Usury from Canada and the rest of the world

How we craft Halal solutions


We Start

We start with you in mind and ask: Will this product simplify your life and help you balance your financial pursuits with your spiritual and ethical beliefs?


We Pray

We pray two Rak’as Salah t-ul Istikharah


We Formulate

We formulate the product concept and consult our Shariah Supervisory Board to ensure that the envisaged product structure is acceptable from the Shariah point of view.


We Develop

We develop the product’s legal agreements and procedures documents ensuring that all Shariah boundaries specified by our scholars (including AAOIFI standards) are put in place


We Submit

We submit the product documents to our Shariah Supervisory Board for compliance-review and obtain a Fatwa for the same


We Say

We say Bismillah, put our trust in Allah and launch.

Our pillars of conduct

We put the commands of God and the Sunnah of His messenger above all else including our own monetary gains. We understand that this world is a world of rights, and there are two types of them: There are God’s rights upon us and there are people’s rights upon us. To help us fulfill those rights we meticulously and carefully selected the following values to live by.

How we craft Halal solutions


God-consciousness. Putting God’s commands above everything else


Truthfulness or the conformity of our outer conduct with our inward state or intention


The moral responsibility of fulfilling our obligations to God and fulfilling our obligations to people


To do things in a way that obtains the most perfect results


Excellence in character and conduct

Team Manzil










Head of Product

Abdul Matin

Go-to-Market Project Lead


Realty - Team Lead


Internal Shariah Auditor


Client Experience Associate


Finance Operations


Senior Software Developer

Mohamad Zaher

Client Experience Associate

Shariah Supervisory Board

Dr. Shaher Abbas

SSB Member

Dr. M. Gadhoum

SSB Member

Mufti Faraz Adam

SSB Member

Advisory Board

Brendan Calder

Banking Advisor

Brendan Holt Dunn

Private Capital Advisor

David Beatty

Governance Advisor

Dr. Walid Hejazi

Islamic Economic Advisor

External Shariah Auditors

Islamic Finance Advisory & Assurance Services (IFAAS) Team

The Late Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Ebrahim Desai, Allah have mercy on his soul, is a South African Mufti of Indian origin. He was an Islamic Scholar and the Grand Mufti of South Africa. He was trained in a Hanafi Deobandi legal school. He ran the fatwa website Ask Imam, an online Islamic questions and answers database of Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah. Prior to that, he used to head the Dar al-Ifta of Madrasah In’aamiyyah. Furthermore, he was the senior lecturer of Hadith at Darul Uloom Nu’maniyyah in Chatsworth, KwaZulu-Natal and Madrasah Hameediyyah in Durban before passing away in July 2021. He was ranked among The 500 Most Influential Muslims compiled by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre.

Your life’s dreams and goals aligned with your beliefs and values

Associate member

Manzil Mortgage Services Inc. holds the following licenses: Ontario # 13411, British Colombia # MB601417, Saskatchewan # 512027, Nova Scotia # 2022-3000552, and Alberta.

© 2024 All rights reserved. Manzil is a registered trademark