Manzil’s Impact on the Community

Through our accessible and Shariah-compliant financial solutions, we empower individuals and families to manage their finances in accordance with their religious beliefs.


Finance Realigned: How we are advancing Canadian Muslims while growing the Economy

This positive impact by Manzil extends beyond the immediate financial realm, as it contributes to the overall socio-economic development and prosperity of the Muslim community, fostering a sense of financial inclusivity, empowerment, and stability. This is all injected back into the community through our products, the spend per dollar increasing for these families, and their charitable contributions.



Halal Real Estate Wealth

Created for Muslims who are the second largest religious group in the country



Assets Under Management

Including all investments and real estate that fund the Halal Financing products for the community



Zakat Eligible Donations

Generated annually through the investments and the savings on our platform



Riba Free Muslims

Thanks to our Homes and Invest product being available to them



Halal Profit

Distributed to our Investors on a monthly basis through dividends



Islamic Wills

Created - allowing people to fulfill their Islamic obligation and legal responsibility